So here’s what happened at labor and delivery room. Arrival The day has passed and now the first day of…
Where did we left out of…? Oh yes, I usually update the weekly progress of my pregnancy on Saturday and…
So, now it’s about time! The baby can come out anytime at this point. In my case, it hasn’t happened…
10th OBGYN Visit & NST At this point, my OBGYN visit changed to every week and I have to have…
Now week 35 is done and the countdown clocks in. One more month to go 🙂 My week 35 began…
During week 34, I had relatively plenty of hospital visits. I appreciate my boss being so flexible without asking me…
I have requested my PTOs and FMLA through my employer and I just can’t wait until I can finally get…
There are a lot of things happened during these weeks. Week 30 At week 30, I had a 7th OBGYN…
During this week, I had another ultrasound appointment. This would be the 4th time and 1st time in the third…
A big change has been occured during this week. Dietitian Visit I met a dietitian due to 2 failures of…