Hello there! I appreciate your time to stop by. My name is Rachel.
This is my first blog. Blogging wasn’t my thing. Until, out of nowhere, mom suggested me on the phone.
My parents live in Japan and only once a year if I get a chance I can visit them, so I thought, why not? I can share my life in the U.S. and show them how I’m doing. That was the biggest trigger to get me start blogging.
Since my passion is to travel and explore new area, the main focus on this blog will be sharing my experiences and comments on “things to do” and “places to eat”. Before I forget to tell you, probably the most posts will be from local events in North West suburb of Chicago, Illinois.
The second focus is about my dog. I mean who doesn’t like watching funny videos of animals, right? 😉 I have a 1.7 years old and 12.5 lbs miniature Australian Shepherd. He’s especially smaller than typical mini Aussie. I got him when he was 3 months old puppy. I will share some experiences w/ him on my blog.
Lastly, it’s about my husband. We’ve got married in March 2019 and we’ve dated for about 4 years and of which 1.5 years was a long distance relationship between LA and Chicago. He’s from Hawaii and that’s where I met him, through school (also an Engineer :)) Anyways, he loves cooking and his dishes are just amazing!! Gosh so lucky to have him :p That’s why, I’d also like to share his recipes on this blog as well! That’ll be, of course, including Hawaii local food, Asian food, and any kind of food!! *We recently made our own pesto sauce with basil we picked from my garden.
I can’t wait to share lots of goodies and I hope you will find something interesting, useful, and/or gives you some ideas 🙂
Thank you again for reading through.