The past week and the week before was my week 10 and 11.
Nothing special has happened. Relatively normal like it almost makes me feel like I’m not pregnant at all.
I guess one thing I screwed up with is the food selection.
The heartburn…
It sounds like this is another common pregnancy symptom.
It happened on week 11. I had to finish up namul that I made on week 10. I knew I made it too salty so I decided to make fried rice out of it. No additional seasoning but add rice and eggs. No hope but still salty. I had tons of water again and again after I finished eating it.
That was a beginning.
Then, the following day, my husband made Hawaii style beef stew. It was amazing!!
It’s just I added too much spicy sauce in it – pretty much 3 days in a row… LOL
The sauce called “Dragon in the Cloud” is created by the show “Hot Ones” and 88rising. It has yuzu flavor in it, and I really enjoy this sauce. Just keep in mind, one drop of this sauce is enough, period. LOL I accidentally dropped 2.5 drops on my slice of pizza the other day, oh yes, this was on week 11 too, it made me cry like cry cry.
So, I kept eating “Salty” and “Spicy” food for a week and now the heartburn started few days ago. It is pretty much following me every time I eat something.
Oh not only that. Also another fact is probably eating too much at once.
Yesterday, I was craving for pho so we took out from the restaurant nearby for late lunch. Due to the heartburn, I didn’t eat much a night before and only had yogurt in the morning. My stomach got shrunk a bit.
It usually a normal size pho to me was tooooo much. However, I just finished it anyways.
Then a kanak attack happened. If you don’t know what that means, here’s the definition of “kanak attack” from Urban Dictionary 😉 It’s Hawaiian Pidgin English.
So I passed out right after the pho.
Oh no good!!
So much acidity feeling in my stomach even when you are laying down at night in bed, you can still feel it.
My doctor gave me a note for over the counter medications that are safe for pregnancy. Maybe I can try one of those and hope it’ll go away soon 🙁